
JongHo Kim



Associate Professor 



Dr. Kim received his doctorate degree in History from the National University of Singapore. His PhD thesis explores the overseas Chinese remittances and reactions of overseas Chinese entrepreneurs during the wartime period from 1937 to 1949. After the PhD, he worked as a Research fellow at the Asian Center of Seoul National University studying Chinese enterprises past and present.


Dr. Kim is currently focusing on several research projects like the overseas Chinese entrepreneurs in maritime Southeast Asia, a comparative study on the Asian merchant diaspora groups within Southeast Asia, and the construction of trans-national community surrounding the South China Sea Rim.


Office location

#422, Dasan Hall



Current research interests

- Historical analysis on Chinese enterprises in China and Southeast Asia

- Comparative study of diaspora migration in Southeast Asia, Chinese and Indian

- Modern economic relationship between China and Southeast Asia

- Chinese diaspora

- History of Singapore


Academic and professional positions

· Research Fellow in Seoul National University (2017-2018)

· Assistant Professor in Sogang University (2018-)





· Asian Contemporary Society through Business History (Both in Korean and English)

· Asian Contemporary Society through Urban History (in Korean)

· Traditional Society of Southeast Asia (Both in Korean and English)



· Introduction to Southeast Asian Studies (in English)

· Issues of Economic History in Southeast Asia (in English)

· Modern Southeast Asian History (in Korean)


Key Publications and Activities


Articles in Refereed Journals

· Kim JongHo, “History Textbooks of the Country Established by Migrants -Making Nation and National in Singapore’s History Curriculum and History Textbooks-”, The Korean History Education Review 169, 2024 (in Korean)

· Kim JongHo, “Pacific War, Cold War, and Nation of An Overseas Chinese Driver and Mechanic's Experiences · Focusing on the Life of Nanyang Jigong(南僑機工) Chen Bangxing(陳邦興·”, Korean Studies of Modern Chinese History 101, 2024 (in Korean)

· Kim JongHo, “Trading Hub Beyond Ideologies: The Singapore-North Korean Economic Connection and Mission for Industrialization during the Cold War”, Korea Journal 64(2), 2024

· Kim JongHo, “Searching for Overseas Chinese Identity of Cold War through Qiaokan - Focusing on the Chaoshan Overseas Chinese Biweekly Newspaper, Chaozhou Hometown News (潮州鄕訊) Between Singapore and Guangdong Province -”,  East Asian Studies 42(2), 2023(in Korean)

· Kim JongHo, “Characteristics of Chinese History Education through Outline for Modern History of China in “Marxism Project”: Comparing with History Education of Singapore and Taiwan”, Journal of Northeast Asian History 79, 2023 (in Korean)

· Kim JongHo, “Structure of Smuggling in Southeast Asia and Role of Overseas Chinese Merchants during the Early Cold War: Focus On Opium, Manufacturing Products, Natural Resources”, The Southeast Asian Review 32(4), 2022 (in Korean)

· Kim JongHo, “Colonial Origin of Singapore’s Response to Infection: Tracing the Colonial Legacies of the Disinfection System through the Straits Settlements Medical Report”, The Southeast Asian Review 30(4), 2020 (in Korean)

· Kim JongHo, “Between the Pro-Communist and the Patriotism  Perspective of the Overseas Chinese in Southeast Asia on China through CIA documents during the early Cold War period ”, Korean Studies of Modern Chinese History 85, 2020 (in Korean)

· Kim JongHo, “Singapore · Xiamen Urban Development and Shophouse Architectural Culture”, East Asian Studies 38(2), 2019(in Korean)

· Kim JongHo, “OCBC in Singapore and Asian Wartime period War crisis in Asia and Struggle for survival of overseas Chinese entrepreneur in Southeast Asia”, 史叢93, 2018(in Korean)

· Kim JongHo,Between Cooperation and Survival: Overseas Chinese Remittance Business in Chaoshan during the Japanese Occupation(1939-1945), Social Transformations in Chinese Societies 2018 Issue 1

· Kim JongHo, “Searching for Chineseness – Literature review on overseas Chinese, Chinese overseas, and its diaspora”, Korean Studies of Modern Chinese History 73, 2017 (in Korean)

· Kim JongHo, “The survival strategies of Chinese and overseas Chinese financial banks during the early Anti-Japanese War - Case studies of the Bank of China and the China & South seas Bank -”, Korean Studies of Modern Chinese History 71, 2016 (in Korean)



· Kim JongHo, Overseas Chinese History, nermerbooks, 2021 (in Korean)