Ki-Hyun BAE
Ki-Hyun Bae received a Doctor of Philosophy in political science at the University of Toronto in 2014. Her research interests lie on the development of ASEAN and its integration, ASEAN's external relations, international relations in and around Southeast Asia.Position Professor Office Location Rm. 327, Dasan Hall
Current Research Interests
· International relations in and around Southeast Asia
· International-domestic nexus of Southeast Asian studies
· Sociological and eclectic approaches in International Relations
· Studies of international regional organizations
· East Asian regional institutions
· Foreign policies of Southeast Asian countries
· Institutional changes and continuity of ASEAN
· External relations of ASEAN
·“Enduring Hypocrisy as an ASEAN’s Organisational Problem?” Journal of Current Southeast Asian Affairs 43(1) (2024).https://doi.org/10.1177/18681034231215813
· "Regionalizing Development Cooperation? Examining Intra-ASEAN Regionalism via IAI," Global Governance 28(1): 103-124 (2022).
· "Industrial Policy Reforms for Political Risk Management? Understanding the Evolution of Automotive Industrial Policies in Vietnam," Globalizations 19(8): 1225-1240 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1080/14747731.2022.2048472
· "미얀마 위기와 아세안 무용론? 아세안의 제도적 진화와 그 함의 (Useless ASEAN? Examining ASEAN's Engagement in Political Crisis in Myanmar),"『국제·지역연구』(RIAS) 30(4): 143-171 (2021).
· "Regional Security Order Transition and the ROK's Order Management: Critique and Suggestions," The Korean Journal of Defense Analysis 33(4): 557-577 (2021). http://dx.doi.org/10.22883/
· "동남아시아의 분절적 다자주의: 위기인가 기회인가? (Compartmentalized Multilateralism in Southeast Asia: Problems or Opportunities?)," 『국가안보와 전략』(National Security and Strategy) 21(1): 89-119 (2021).
· "한국의 아세안 연구(2001-2020): 리뷰와 제안 (ASEAN Studies in Korea(2001-2020): Reviews and Suggestions)," 『동아연구』(East Asian Studies) 40(1): 77-99 (2021).
· "동아시아의 지역 만들기: 관계구조와 그 정책적 함의 (Getting Closer Regionally: Relational Structure and Its Policy Implications)," 『국제정치연구』(The Journal of International Relations) 24(1): 81-104(2021).
· "Divergent Ideas, Distant Friendship: Assessing Korea's 30 Years of Political-Security Diplomacy with ASEAN," Korea Observer 51(4): 523-550 (2020). DOI:10.29152/KOIKS.2020.51.4.
· "아세안 2018: 혁신, 복원력, 진전, 그리고 질서의 재편?(ASEAN 2018: Innovation, Resilience and Restructuring of Regionalism?)"(co-authored with Hyung Jong Kim) 『동남아시아 연구』(The Southeast Asian Review) 29(2): 1-30 (2019).
· "Seeing ASEAN as a Platform for Spreading Liberalism," International Journal 73(1): 33-48 (2018). https://doi.org/10.1177/
· "ASEAN as a Community of Managerial Practices," Global Governance 23(2): 245-263 (2017). http://www.jstor.org/stable/
· "일본과 중국의 대아세안 협력: 경쟁과 수렴(Japan and China's policies toward ASEAN: Competition and Convergence) ," 『신아세아』(New Asia) 24(2): 150-174(2017).
· "아세안 50주년, 동아시아 지역협력과 아세안 리더쉽을 중심으로(Re-assessing ASEAN Leadership in East Asia in its 50th Anniversary)," 『국가전략』(National Strategy) 23(2): 179-197 (2017).
· "아세안 2016: 아세안 방식의 변화 또는 연속성 (ASEAN in 2016: Change and Continuity of ASEAN Way)" (co-authored with Hyung Jong Kim), 『동남아시아연구』(The Southeast Asian Review) 27(2): 155-184 (2017).
· "호주와 일본의 대ASEAN 지원협력 비교: 다자 효용성을 중심으로 (Promoting "Multilatearl Utility" through ASEAN: Comparison of Australian and Japanese Deveploment Cooperation Programs for ASEAN) ," 『국가안보와 전략』(National Security and Strategy) 16(3): 227-262 (2016).
· "ASEAN Regional Forum as a Reference Point: Progress and Limitations of NAPCI's Institutional Designs," Korea Observer 47(2): 387-416 (2016).
· "Neither Left-out nor Pushed-over: Anxious ASEAN and its 4C Practices," The Pacific Review 28(5):703-729 (2015). https://doi.org/10.1080/
· "아세안 연계성의 정치(Connectivity Politics in ASEAN)," 『국가전략』(National Strategy) 21(1): 165-188 (2015).
· "The Dilemma of Attraction-Autonomy Deficits: The Institutionalization of Human Rights in ASEAN" Korean Journal of International Studies 12: 353-377 (2014).
Postgraduate Student Supervision
Potential topics: International relations in Southeast Asia, East Asia Diplomacy, regionalism, international regional institutions, ASEAN, Korea-ASEAN relations, etc