Mechanical Engineering

Artificial Intelligence

Location : Ricci Hall 5th Floor
Telephone : +82 2 705 8244
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Educational Purpose
The Artificial Intelligence focuses on the study of various technologies, software, and systems that implement human learning, reasoning, and perception abilities in computers. The department aims to produce interdisciplinary leaders in artificial intelligence with a deep understanding of advanced theories and world-class practical capabilities.
Undergraduate Curriculum
The undergraduate curriculum emphasizes a strong foundation in 'Artificial Intelligence theory/practice, centered on software engineering/mathematics'. It also includes advanced education focused on visual, linguistic, and auditory intelligence, primarily through courses linked to the AI graduate program. Problem-solving-centered education and encouragement of double majoring with various other majors within the university are also promoted.
Graduate Curriculum and Research
The graduate curriculum and research primarily focus on intelligent perceptual abilities related to vision, audition, language, and IoT communication, based on multi-sensor information. It also centers around advanced AI algorithms such as 'multi-modal deep algorithms' and 'AI deep algorithms' including Explainable AI (XAI), Metalearning, Symbolic knowledge Graph, and Inductive Learning techniques. Additionally, it encompasses essential technologies for efficient AI system implementation, such as GPU optimization and parallel learning.
Specialization of Education
The specific fields are organized around research on intelligent perceptual abilities related to vision, audition, language, and IoT communication based on multi-sensor information for advanced multimodal algorithms. It focuses on advanced AI algorithms including Explainable AI (XAI), Metalearning, Symbolic knowledge Graph, and Inductive Learning techniques. Additionally, there is a core emphasis on essential AI system-based technologies for efficient implementation of actual AI applications, such as GPU optimization and parallel learning.
Furthermore, various professors from different majors participate as adjunct professors for interdisciplinary research in AI+X convergence. This has led to the establishment of a cooperative research system for curriculum development and joint fusion research on topics like AI+Management, AI+Economics, AI+Language, AI+Humanities/Social Sciences, AI+Media Contents, and AI+Biohealth.